

25 March 2023 — We invite you to use this poster (download it here): 



Press Release PDF: ENGLISH, CASTELLANO, العربية

We called it “a crime that never happened” – because how else would you call something that fakes an event, invents its victims and falsifies the guilty, then masquerades as justice yet is so obviously fraud?

And yet, although there was no crime to be guilty of, five young human beings are serving 15-year prison sentences for “committing” it. Today, 15 March, marks the already decade-long theft of their lives – theft committed by the Israeli colonial regime in Palestine.

Please read the Press Release (in English, Spanish, and Arabic) here.


Left to right: Prison pictures of Tamer, Mohammed K., Mohammed S., Ali and Ammar in 2014, after 1 year of being incarcerated. Today it’s been 10 years.

15 March 2018 — It’s already been 5 years in prison

[ العربية أدناه ]


This March the Hares Boys will have spent five long years in Israeli colonial dungeons for a crime that never happened.

March 2013, a road accident. Five football-playing kids kidnapped, beaten, dragged to prison and accused of attempted murder. Because they were of the “wrong” ethnic/religious group.

February 2016, the five kids -teens by now- convicted by a military tribunal that never gives a chance of a fair trial, because it represents the illegal, colonial occupying army. Fifteen years in prison because Israel the occupier says so. You will be out when you’re 31, having been torn away from your family when you were only 16.

March 2018, five years on. The kids, known as the Hares Boys, have grown into beautiful young men. Their innocence remains, but so does the Zionist project of colonising Palestine.

The Hares Boys are among hundreds of Palestinian children imprisoned by the Zionist Israeli military machine every year. Some as young as 12, others suffering from chronic illnesses, and all of them -including 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi- just because they are Palestinian.

We are calling on you, freedom-loving people of the world, to mark the 5th anniversary by spreading the case and organising public events in your city and community. Let’s imagine a world in which children are not locked up in prison, in which terror and injustice are faded memories of the past – and then let’s work together to make it reality.

For no-one is truly free until all are.


More info:
FB: Free the Hares Boys – @FreeTheHaresBoys
E-book on the Hares Boys and Israel´s military system

الذكرى السنوية الخامسة لحدث كان من المفروض ان لا يحصل أبدا

 في مارس القادم يكون أولاد حارس قد مضى عليهم خمس سنوات في سجون الاستيطان الإسرائيلي بسبب جريمة لم يقترفوها.

في مارس 2013: حادث سير : خمسة أولاد كانوا يلعبون الكرة ، اختطفوا، وعذبوا، وسجنوا بعد توجيه التهمة لهم بمحاولة قتل، الذنب الوحيد هو انتمائهم لعرق بشري “مغلوط”.

فبراير 2016 : الشباب الخمسة –في سن المراهقة الآن- ادينوا من قبل محكمة عسكرية لا توفر اية امكانية لمحاكمة عادلة، لأنها تمثل جيش احتلال استيطاني غير شرعي، بالسجن لمدة خمس عشرة سنة، لأن إسرائيل- الدولة المحتلة بالقوة- ادعت ذلك، وقالت لهم ستخرجون من السجن عندما يصل عمركم 31 سنة. بعد أن انتزعوا من كنف عائلاتهم عندما كان عمرهم 16 سنة.

مارس 2018: مضت الآن خمس سنوات. الأطفال الذين يعرفون باسم أولاد حارس ، اصبحوا شباب يافعين. لكن براءتهم مازالت قائمة، كما الاحتلال الاستيطاني الصهيوني ما زال جاثما على  كامل الأراضي الفلسطينية.

أولاد حارس هم جزء من 700 ولد، وبنت من الشبان الفلسطينيين الذين يسجنون من قبل آلة الحرب الصهيونية الاسرائيلية سنويا. البعض منهم لا يتجاوز سن 12 سنة، بعضهم يعاني من الأمراض المزمنة، كل هؤلاء الأطفال اليافعين بمن فيهم عهد التميمي(16 سنة) ،يقبعون في السجون لمجرد كونهم فلسطينيين .

نناشد الجميع، وكل عشاق الحرية في العالم بأسره عدم نسيان الذكرى الخامسة وتنظيم النشاطات والفعاليات العامة في كل مدينةـ، وتجمع سكاني، ومنتدى جماعي، لإحياء هذه المناسبة. لنحلم بعالم لا يسجن فيه الاطفال، عالم تختفي فيه المعاناة، والظلم وتصبح ميزة من ميزات الماضي الغابر. لنعمل جميعا لتحويل هذه الحلم الى واقع.

لا يمكن لأحد أن يدعي الحرية حتى يصبح الجميع أحرارا فعلا.

هيا إلى النضال معا ضد الصهيونية ، ومن أجل فلسطين الحرة.

للمزيد من الأخبار راسلونا وتواصلوا معنا على العنوانين التالية:-

FB: Free the Hares Boys
E-book on the Hares Boys and Israel´s military system


Este marzo los Chicos de Hares cumplen cinco largos años en las cárceles coloniales israelíes por un crimen que nunca ocurrió.

Marzo de 2013: un accidente de tráfico. Cinco niños que jugaban al fútbol, secuestrados, golpeados, arrastrados a prisión y acusados ​​de intento de asesinato. Porque son del grupo étnico/religioso “equivocado”.

Febrero de 2016: los cinco chicos –adolescentes a esa altura− son condenados por un tribunal militar que jamás ofrece la posibilidad de un juicio justo, porque representa al ejército de ocupación colonial e ilegal. Quince años de prisión, porque Israel –la fuerza ocupante− lo dice. Estarás afuera cuando tengas 31 años, después de haber sido arrancado de tu familia cuando sólo tenías 16.

Marzo de 2018: cinco años después. Los niños, conocidos como los Chicos de Hares, se han convertido en cinco hermosos jóvenes. Su inocencia permanece, pero también persiste el proyecto sionista de colonizar Palestina.

Los Chicos de Hares están entre 700 niñas, niños y adolescentes palestinos encarcelados por la maquinaria militar sionista israelí cada año. Algunos tienen tan sólo 12 años, otros padecen enfermedades crónicas; y todas esas jóvenes vidas, incluida Ahed Tamimi (de 16 años), están en prisión simplemente por ser palestinas.

Les exhortamos a ustedes, personas amantes de la libertad en todo el mundo, a recordar este 5° aniversario difundiendo este crimen y organizando eventos públicos en sus ciudades, comunidades y espacios de participación. Imaginemos un mundo en el que los niños y niñas no estén encerradas en la cárcel, en donde el terror y la injusticia sean vagos recuerdos del pasado; y luego trabajemos codo a codo para hacerlo realidad.

Porque nadie es verdaderamente libre hasta que todas lo seamos.

Más información:
FB: Free the Hares Boys
Libro digital sobre los Chicos de Hares

28 January 2017 — Download THE E-BOOK HERE.




One year ago today, the Zionist Israeli military court announced that five youth from the village of Hares, in occupied Palestine, would be spending 15 years in prison.

After being forced to sign ‘confessions’ and pushed to accept a plea deal under the atmosphere of threat to be locked up for longer if they didn’t, the five youth were condemned to be released at 30-31 years of age, having spent almost half their lives in a colonial prison.

One year ago today, the Zionist Israeli military court had already received the NIS 30,000 ($7,500) from each boy’s family – a total of NIS 150,000 ($37,500) – as a ‘fine’ and ‘compensation’ to the illegal settler-colonist family whose member had a car accident a couple of days before the boys were kidnapped and imprisoned by the Zionist army.

To mark this tragic anniversary, the international Free the Hares Boys Campaign is releasing an e-book titled Hares Boys: From Palestine to Israeli Prison. The e-book, which contains case summary and analysis of Zionist military court and prison system, an overview of the three-year-long campaign for the boys’ release, and comments on connecting struggles around the globe against imperialism and political imprisonment, is aimed at the world’s people of conscience.

Students, activists, politicians, human rights workers, youth and above in age, mothers, fathers, and would-be parents: stand on the right side of History. Support freedom wherever it is being trampled on. Support justice wherever it is being violated and denied.

For Palestine, for humanity, for the future of the world.

Freedom to Mohammed Kleib, Mohammed Suleiman, Amer Souf, Tamer Souf, and Ali Shamlawi!

We invite you to read and share the e-book free of charge. It is in .pdf format which you can print and use in your school, university, community activities.

We intend to have it translated to other languages soon (Spanish, Arabic). If you would like to help with volunteer translations, please contact us: haresboys [at] gmail.com

Thoughts, comments, suggestions most welcome. Thank you all for sharing.



31 January 2016 — Download the Press Release in .pdf format here.




by Free The Hares Boys campaign

30 JANUARY 2016

Thursday 28 January, 2016 was the day when the five youth known internationally as the Hares Boys were officially sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment in an Israeli occupation prison, by an Israeli occupation military court, in a land occupied by Israel.

The sentence was announced following almost three years of uncertainty since Mohammed Suleiman, Mohammed Kleib, Ali Shamlawi, Tamer Souf and Ammar Souf – residents of Hares village in the West Bank of Palestine – were arrested and accused of ‘attempted murder’ by stone-throwing after an illegal Israeli settler car crashed into a truck parked on a road next to their village. That was mid-March 2013, light years away when you are 16 years old and locked up in an occupation dungeon for a car accident you had nothing to do with; a crime that never happened.

Thursday’s sentencing was a plea deal offered by the Israeli military prosecutor that involved ‘fines’ of NIS 30,000 (appr. €7,100 or $7,750) per boy to be paid to the settler driver as ‘compensation’. One of her daughters died two years after the crash from pneumonia complications attributed to neurological damage experienced during the accident. Failure to accept the deal, it was implied, would result in extended prison sentences. The boys’ families felt they had no choice but to accept. “We took the bad to avoid the worst,” they said in their despair.

Almost three years of legal battles in military courts that have a record of convicting Palestinians at a rate very close to 100%.

Almost three years of military court ‘hearings’ that last just a few minutes, conducted by Israeli military personnel in Hebrew, a language neither the boys nor their families understand; the soldier-translator would rarely do their job properly and would instead prefer to play with their phone.

Almost three years of dozens – well over 100 – such ‘hearings’ in metal cages that pass for a House of Justice, only to find out that your incarceration is prolonged once again.

Almost three years knowing that you ‘confessed’, under torture, of throwing stones at settler cars, that you ‘confessed’ after being beaten up and psychologically intimidated, and spending days in solitary confinement without access to a lawyer, and that this ‘confession’ is the only ‘evidence’ the military tribunal has against you, yet that it would probably be enough for them to convict you.

Almost three years of mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers not knowing whether you would be home for the next Ramadan or to finish your high school exams. Not knowing when they could finally hug you and talk to you without a broken telephone through a dirty glass window.

Almost three years of international efforts to bring the case of the Hares Boys to the eyes and consciences of those in power, and to demand justice. We invited you to protest, organize demonstrations, write to your MPs, write to your embassy in Tel Aviv, attend military court ‘hearings’, collect money to help the families deal with the financial burden, to spread the message about the injustice being committed to these young lives of Palestine. And you responded, in your hundreds and in your thousands, from Costa Rica to France, from Mexico to Britain. We thank you for that. You’ve been a lifeline of support to the boys’ families in such devastating time.

But the fight is not over.

If we stop demanding justice, five young men are to spend the next 15 years of their lives in prison. For them and other prisoners, their families, communities and their people, we must continue the struggle.

We invite you all, wherever you are, to join hands with us, to strengthen the efforts to achieve justice and FREEDOM for the five youth of Hares, Palestine.

12 December 2015

Five Palestinian Teens Blackmailed Into Accepting 15 Years Prison Term and Exorbitant ‘Fines’ for a Crime That Never Happened


by Free The Hares Boys campaign

12 December 2015

It is with great sadness and anger that we hereby inform you of the outcome of the Hares Boys case: the five teenagers are being sentenced to 15 years in prison and are to pay a total of NIS 150,000 (~US $39,000 or €35,000) to the Israeli authorities. Failure to provide the exorbitant sum would, it is implied, result in more years of prison added to the boys’ sentences.

Ali Shamlawi, Mohammed Kleib, Mohammed Suleiman, Ammar Souf, and Tamer Souf have been kept in prison for 2 years and 8 months and are now being sentenced for a crime that never happened.

The five teenagers (16-17 years old at the time) from the village of Hares (Salfit governorate, West Bank, occupied Palestine) were kidnapped from their homes by the Israeli army in March 2013. The teens were accused of throwing stones at illegal settler cars, one of which drove under a truck that was parked along Route 5 near the village of Hares. The driver’s children were injured during the accident and one of them died two years later after pneumonia complications. The boys denied throwing stones but were forced to sign ‘confessions’ following torturous interrogations at the hands of Israeli secret services. There was never any evidence of the boys’ guilt but it is sadly a reality in the Israeli military court system that does not comply with due process and convicts Palestinians at a 99.7% rate.

After almost 3 years of routine hearings at Israeli military courts, where the boys were initially accused of ‘attempted murder’, they were told on 26 November 2015 that they are now being charged with manslaughter and are being sentenced to prison terms of 15 years, provided their families pay ‘fines’ of NIS 30,000 [US $7,750 or € 7,100] each by the deadline of 28 January 2016. Failure to pay the amount requested by the Israeli military court would, it is understood, result in each boy’s sentence being prolonged, possibly to at least 25 years in prison.

There is no other way to describe this situation the five teens and their families have endured other than as criminal activity on behalf of the Israeli system of ‘justice’. Pressing the families to agree to a court ‘deal’ and threatening them with harsher sentences if they don’t accept is nothing less than extortion. Demanding that families pay large sums of money as a ‘fine’ or a ‘compensation’ to the occupying power is nothing less than a demand for ransom.

On behalf of the Free the Hares Boys campaign we condemn such acts of injustice committed by the Israeli military court.

We invite local and international human rights organizations, the world’s democratic government institutions and people of conscience to stand up to this injustice inflicted on the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation and to demand justice for the Hares Boys. Please consider contacting your country’s diplomatic representatives in Tel Aviv or occupied Jerusalem; the Israeli Ministry of Justice; your local politicians; asking them to intervene and condemn such injustice and disrespect for the rule of law. Organize events in your community to highlight the Hares Boys case and the situation of hundreds of other Palestinian children who are being kept in occupation prisons.

Do not stay silent in the face of what is not right.

17 May 2015 — Ali’s court ‘hearing’ was postponed again, until 28 May. Ammar and Mohammed Suleiman have theirs scheduled for 20 May. Others to be confirmed.

This has been dragging on for 2 years and 2 months now. In the words of a prominent British human rights lawyer, the Hares Boys’ case would have been won in less than 5 minutes if it were heard in a real court of justice, not the Israeli military-run places of horror that pretend to be courts.

Thanks to the brilliant Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff for this work of art, dedicated to the five kids of Hares and, by extension, to all Palestinian children held captive by the Zionist entity:

20 March 2015 — Two years on, the nightmare is still very much ongoing.

The Hares Boys next appear at Israeli occupation military court on:

Ammar, Tamer, & Mohammed S.: 21 April
Ali: 30 April
Mohammed K.: 12 May

If you are in Palestine please consider attending. If you are not in Palestine please contact your embassy and ask that they attend on your behalf. You can also inquire if your state – via its foreign representative the embassy – cares about human rights and children’s rights in particular. Oh, and the Geneva Conventions and other international law.

If positive, what are they doing about it when Israel violates them all, as in the case of the five kids from Hares village?

20 March 2015 — Numerous events took place around the globe in the last few weeks in solidarity with the Hares Boys. We thank all the good people who made them happen in Costa Rica, Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Britain, the US, and Palestine. But the struggle is not over. The boys have now spent 2 years and 5 days in prison for no crime at all. We must continue putting pressure on Israel to honour justice and free these kids, as well as all Palestinian children from Israeli occupation jails.


4 March 2015 — 15 March 2015 will mark 2 years since the five kids from Hares, occupied Palestine, were kidnapped by the Israeli army and incarcerated for a crime they did not commit. With their future still uncertain, good folk around the globe are calling for justice and freedom for the Hares Boys!

List of actions:

Saturday 7 March

Solidarity Dinner in Support of the Hares Boys
Cena solidaria en apoyo de los chicos de Hares Palestina
Getafe, Spain
20.00, Centro Agora de Getafe, c/ Hernán Cortés 11, Getafe 28904 (Madrid)
Para reservar podéis llamar al 677 256 526, o escribir a info [at] namlebee.com

Solidarity Event with the Five Hares Boys
Santiago, Chile
Details TBC

Solidarity Event with the five Hares Boys
Manchester, Britain
Details TBC

Friday 13 March

Free Hares Boys After Two Years in Israeli Military Jail
London, Britain
07.50-09.30 near the Houses of Parliament (exact location TBC)

#FreeHaresBoys #StopG4S #InMinds
London, Britain
15.00-17.00 G4S HQ, 105 Victoria Street, London (near Victoria Station)

Action to #FreeHaresBoys and #StopG4S
New York City, United States
14.00 Bryant Park, 5th Avenue, New York NY 10003

Charla #FreeHaresBoys #BDS #G4S
Montevideo, Uruguay
20.00 Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FHCE) Montevideo

Saturday 14 March

Solidarity Event with the Five Hares Boys
Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)
20.00 More details TBC

Sunday 15 March

Free the Hares Boys! Free Palestine! 15 March Day of Action Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland
14.00-16.00 Marks And Spencer Sauchiehall St, G2 3 Glasgow

Liberen a los Chicos de Hares
San José, Costa Rica
14.00-17.00 Plaza de la Cultura, San José, Costa Rica

Monday 16 March

Liberen a los Chicos de Hares
Puebla, Mexico
06.00 UTC-6, Beppo Bazaar 11 oriente no.8, Puebla, Puebla

Tuesday 17 March

Serata sulla Palestina: I Prigionieri Politici Palestinesi e i Bambini Detenuti nelle Carceri Israeliane
Evening for Palestine: Palestinian Political Prisoners and Children Incarcerated in Israeli Jails
Cesena, Italy
19.30 Al Magazzino Parallelo, Via Genova 70, Cesena
Per info: Comitato Difesa Sociale difesasociale [at] libero.it

Thursday 19 March nbc_19_haresboys

Free the Hares Boys! Infoveranstaltung mit Videomaterial und Diskussion
Berlin, Germany
20.00 Zielona Gora, Grünberger Str. 73 / Boxhagener Platz

Friday 20 March

London, Britain
15.00-17.00 HP London HQ, 88 Wood Street, London EC2V 7QT

3 March 2015 — GLASGOW, Scotland Sunday 15th March 14.00-16.00 FREE THE HARES BOYS! FREE PALESTINE! 15 MARCH DAY OF ACTION GLASGOW. Come and fight for justice for Palestinian children in Israeli occupation dungeons!

3 March 2015 — London Britain, Friday 13th March 8.00-9.30, near the Houses of Parliament: protest by London Palestine Action to mark the 2nd anniversary of the Hares Boys’ incarceration. JOIN IN!

2 March 2015Spanish MEP (Member of European Parliament) Ángela Vallina (Izquierda Unida, United Left) submitted this question regarding the Hares Boys to the European Parliament:

¿Considera la Alta Representante legítimos los tribunales de una potencia ocupante, como Israel, en casos de enjuiciamiento de ocupados?
¿Qué consecuencias tiene considerar equiparables los tribunales israelíes y sus sentencias a los tribunales europeos?

[English translation: Does the High Representative consider legitimate a court of an occupying power, like Israel, in cases of prosecution of an occupied population? What consequences are considered comparable between Israeli courts and their sentences and European courts?]

Thank you Ms. Vallina for your high moral stance. We’re waiting to hear what the High Representative replies.

1 March 2015 — Hares Boys families at a press conference regarding Palestinian children in Israeli occupation jails, organised by the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs in Ramallah:

Ali Shamlawi’s mother (L) and Mohammed Suleiman’s mother (R).


Ali’s mother addressing the media.


From left to right: Ali’s father, Ali’s mother, Mohammed S.’s mother, Issa Qaraqeh (Minister of Detainees), Tamer’s father, Mohammed K.’s father.


Malak al-Khatib, 14-year-old Palestinian from a village in Ramallah who was kidnapped in December by the Israeli occupation army and sentenced to 2 months in prison for alleged stone-throwing and possessing a knife. The army kidnapped her on her way home from school. Malak is holding a poster of the Hares Boys and of Khaled, another 14-year-old sentenced to 4 months in prison for alleged stone-throwing. Khaled has anemia and his health in the prison is deteriorating.

24 February 2015 — Israeli military court “hearings” for the Hares Boys are still ongoing, two years on. Next round at Salem, north of Jenin:

Mohammed Souf: 25 Feb + 11 March
Mohammed Kleib: 3 March
Ali Shamlawi: 12 March
Mohammed Suleiman, Ammar Souf: 16 March

If you possess a foreign passport and are currently in Palestine, please consider attending to witness justice not being done. Get in touch for details on how to reach Salem.

18 February 2015 — The car accident that took place in March 2013 on Road 5 in occupied Palestine has claimed 6 victims.

Israeli media reports that Adele Biton, the daughter of the settler car driver, died yesterday in hospital after complications caused by pneumonia.

The five Hares Boys remain in prison for a crime they did not commit.

12 February 2015 — Good people in Costa Rica have responded to our call for action for the Hares Boys on 15th March, to mark the 2-year anniversary of their kidnap and incarceration. Please see the facebook invite to the event here: LIBEREN A LOS CHICOS DE HARES and tell your friends about it!

Gracias Costa Rica!!!

11 February 2015 — Tomorrow i.e. Thursday 12th February Ali Shamlawi will appear at Salem again. Five days later, on Tuesday 17th February, it will be the turn of Mohammed Suleiman, Mohammed Kleib, and Ammar Souf. Again. We invite international observers to attend these court ‘hearings’ and see for yourself what a mockery of justice they are.

11 January 2015 — Due to the storm Huda that has ravaged Palestine for the last week, some ‘hearings’ at Salem Israeli military court were cancelled. The Hares Boys next appear in front of a military judge on:

Tamer Souf 22 January
Amar Souf & Mohammed Suleiman 26 January
Ali Shamlawi 29 January
Mohammed Kleib TBC

If you possess a foreign passport and are currently in Palestine, please consider attending to witness justice not being made. If you are abroad please continue to ask your diplomatic representatives in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem to attend. We have draft letters in English, Spanish, French, and Finnish.

Thank you.

30 November 2014After Thursday’s ‘hearing’, the boys are next to appear at Israeli military court in Salem, occupied Palestine, on:

Mohammed Suleiman – 15 December
Ammar Souf – 15 December
Tamer Souf – 25 December
Mohammed Kleib – 26 December
Ali Shamlawi – 8 January 2015

An international observer was present during Ali’s ‘hearing’ – thanks to everyone who kindly demanded that they attend! We are to see what comes out of that, and we still need to keep up the pressure for all the five boys.

8 November 2014UPDATE Next “hearings” at Salem military court on:

Mohammed Suleiman – 16 Nov
Ammar Souf – 24 Nov
Ali Shamlawi & Mohammed Kleib & Tamer Souf – 27 Nov

Please contact your diplomatic representative in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and ask them to attend.

6 November 2014 — Today’s Ali’s “hearing” only prolonged the boy’s incarceration in Israeli occupation prison Megiddo. Ali is next to appear at Salem military court on 27th November. Please kindly demand that your ambassador or consul or lawyer friend attend.

5 November 2014 — The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court for their routine “hearings” on:

Ali Shamlawi – 6 Nov
Mohammed Suleiman – 16 Nov
Ammar Souf – 24 Nov [previously stated 14 Nov]
Mohammed Kleib & Tamer Souf – 27 Nov

Please contact your diplomatic representative in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and ask them to attend. IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

16 October 2014 — “How did we get from a car accident… To five kids in prison?”

The following presentation was shown during Ali’s mother’s meeting with British MPs in June 2014 and points out logical points regarding the time of the settler car accident following which the Hares Boys were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation, initial testimonies by those involved, and insurance claims. It was prepared by individual members of Watford Friends of Salfeet.

Please feel free to download, use, and share:

How did we get from here

15 September 2014 — Please help Ali’s family to cope with the lawyer bill!

Around £1,200 is still needed to meet the legal costs of one of the Hares Boys, Ali Shamlawi. Please consider donating. It’s easy and safe, here: DEFEND CHILD PRISONERS – SUPPORT THE HARES BOYS!

Thank you.

Ali Shamlawi

4 September 2014 — The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court (near the city of Jenin, northern West Bank) on:

Ali Shamlawi – 11 September
Mohammed Suleiman – 15 September
Tamer Souf – 21 September
Ammar Souf – end of September
Mohammed Kleib – TBC

Please send a letter to your diplomatic representative in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv asking them to witness these ‘hearings’ by themselves. The presence of outsiders at the court room does make a difference to the way the boys are treated. It also reminds Israel that the world is watching. Thank you.

4 September 2014 — Hares Boys’ mothers speak:

10 August 2014 — Samer Touf, the brother of Tamer Souf, was kidnapped from Hares by the Israeli army. However he was released several days after. Tamer has been in prison for almost 18 months now, for something he did not do.

8 August 2014 — The amazing people at London Palestine Action raised £1,000 for the Hares Boys families! The event – at London’s Passing Clouds in Hackney – was a huge success. Very soon the money will reach the boys’ families and we hope that it will help them deal with the financial burden of having their children imprisoned. Thanks so much to everyone who made this happen!

4 July 2014 — Video of Ali’s mother at the UK House of Commons:

17 June 2014 — Not much happened in last week’s ‘court’ ‘hearings’. The boys are to appear for their next ‘hearings’ in a few weeks – as they have for the last 15 months. This is the dim reality of being thrown into a military ‘court’ system: it is not about justice; it is about breaking the spirit.

Ali Shamlawi – 26 June
Mohammed Suleiman, Mohammed Kleib, Ammar Souf, Tamer Souf – TBC

5 June 2014 — The Hares Boys appear again at Salem military court next week on:

Mohammed Suleiman – 10 June
Ammar Souf – 11 June
Ali Shamlawi – 12 June
Tamer Souf and Mohammed Kleib – 16 June

24 May 2014 — UPDATED next appearances at Salem military court:

Mohammed Kleib – 2 June
Ali Shamlawi – 5 June
Mohammed Suleiman – 10 June
Ammar Souf – 11 June
Tamer Souf – 16 June

If you are in possession of a foreign passport and currently in Palestine, please consider attending. Salem military court is north of Jenin and ‘hearings’ start at 9am, but since the ‘security’ checks take a long time and people get stopped and made wait for no apparent reason, one should be present at Salem at 8-8:15am. Also please remember that the military court does not provide lawyers nor family members or other visitors with a schedule of appearances – so get ready to wait all day long, as all families do, to be allowed in.

15 May 2014 — NAKBA DAY 66

The Palestinian Catastrophe continues..

..every time a child is kidnapped from their home in the middle of the night
..every time a mother is told to hug her child goodbye
..every time a father is forced to watch his child being beaten by armed soldiers
..every time a boy is thrown into a prison cell, scared, cold, terrorised, alone
..every time that boy comes back home after his time in Israeli prison, and he comes back different.

His life has been stolen from him.

14 May 2014 — The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court (north of Jenin) on:

Ali Shamlawi – 5 June
Mohammed Suleiman – 10 June
Tamer Souf – 16 June
Ammar Souf – 16 June
Mohammed Kleib – TBC (his lawyer has not been informed yet)

They’ve been incarcerated for 14 months now, with no evidence against them. How will they get back this time of their young lives back?

3 May 2014 — UPDATE:

Ali Shamlawi appears at Salem military court on 5 June. Please try and attend if you can – or ask your diplomatic representatives to do it for you.

24 April 2014 — UPDATE:

The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court on:

Mohammed Kleib – 29 April
Tamer Souf – 8 May
Mohammed Suleiman – 13 May
Ammar Souf – June
Ali Shamlawi – TBC

The Israeli military court has not provided the exact court dates for all of the boys. Neither the lawyers nor the boys’ families know.

Please consider attending the court ‘hearings’ if you are in Palestine, or send a letter to your diplomatic representative in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv asking them to attend. The presence of international observers does make a difference to the way the boys are treated in the military court. Thank you.

19 April 2014 — For Palestinian Prisoners’ Day (17 April), reports have been released documenting the inhumane and illegal treatment of women, children, and men in Israeli jails. Below are some links, if you have others to add please do so in the comment section. Thank you.

Palestinian Children and Military Detention“, by the Dutch Multidisciplinary Group of Experts on the practice and impact of arrest, interrogation, detention and adjudication of Palestinian children by Israeli military authorities

Palestinian Political Prisoners’ Day (17th April) marked by deteriorating conditions and Israeli violations” by UFree Network

Statement by Addameer, Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association“, by Addameer

Imagined Letter from a Palestinian Prisoner“, by Alternative Information Center (AIC)

Israeli military courts: Masquerading as justice?“, by Brad Parker for DCI-Palestine, on Al Jazeera English

Freedom Denied: Palestinians decry detention“, multimedia project by

18 April 2014 — The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court on:

Mohammed Kleib – 29 April
Tamer Souf – 8 May
Ammar Souf – June
Ali Shamlawi – TBC
Mohammed Suleiman – TBC

The Israeli military court has not provided the exact court dates for all of the boys. Neither the lawyers nor the boys’ families know.

Please consider attending the court ‘hearings’ if you are in Palestine, or send a letter to your diplomatic representative in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv asking them to attend. The presence of international observers does make a difference to the way the boys are treated in the military court. Thank you.


URGENT APPEAL: Ref: UA 05 / 14.

17th of April is the International Palestinian prisoners Day and I urge you to energetically demand that the state of Israel immediately and unconditionally releases the Hares Boys, Ali Shamlawi, Mohammed Suliman, Mohammad Kleib, Tamer Souf, and Ammar Souf, who were falsely accused of throwing stones that caused an accident to which there were no witnesses and nobody had seen any children or youth throwing stones that day.

Please send letter of protest to H.E. RADHIKA COOMARSASWAMY Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, H.E.RIYAD H.MANSOUR, Ambassador,  Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine and H.E. RON PROSOR, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations.




17 April, Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, is a global day of action for Palestinian prisoners. Join in demanding justice for the Hares Boys, as well as all Palestinian children incarcerated by the Israeli regime.

What you can do:

1. Organise an event – a sit-in, a demo, a protest, a silent dance, anything – in your home city at the Israeli  embassy or buildings of significance to the occupation (e.g. G4S, which is complicit in torture of children) with a poster of an image of the Hares Boys (here) or your own message of support. Then please email your photo/video to the International Solidarity Movement (palreports [at] gmail.com) or post it on the Hares Boys facebook page. All pictures/videos will then be collated to demonstrate to Israel and the world the international backing that the Boys have. 

2. On 16 April, the day before the Prisoners’ Day in Palestine, we are planning to coordinate a Twitter action. We ask that you join us on Wednesday 16 April at 20:00 (UTC/GMT +2 Palestinian time) for one hour! The Twitter hashtag will be tweeted from the ISM Twitter account as the action starts so please stay tuned!

We would like to thank you and hope you can support this campaign in some way.


Damien Austin, tortured as a child during the Irish struggle for freedom, sends his solidarity to the Hares Boys and all Palestinian children kidnapped and incarcerated by the occupation regime. Damien asks them to “never give up hope” and sends a message to the world to show solidarity.

Thank you Damien.

اليوم، وبعد تعرضه للتعذيب  في طفولته أثناء الصراع الايرلندي لنيل الحرية، يبعث داميان أوستين رسالة تضامن لأطفال قرية حارس وكل الأطفال الفلسطينيين وللعالم أجمع ويقول: “لا تفقدوا الأمل أبداً”.
في يومي 15 و 17 مارس، تعرّض 5 أطفال من قرية حارس في سلفيت للاعتقال والتعذيب على يد أجهزة الأمن الاسرائيلية للاعتراف بجريمة لم تحدث أبداً! في 15-17 مارس 2014 يمضى على اعتقال الأطفال الخمسة أكثر من سنة في سجن إسرائيلي للبالغين بالرغم من عدم وجود أدلة ضدهم أو بالجريمة المرتكبة.
 ليس هناك سبب للاحتفال وملايين القلوب تنزف لأجل خمسة أرواح يانعة سلبت حريتها على يد احتلال غاشم لا يحترم الحياة البشريةحياة المئات من المتضررين في السجن من ابن، أخ، ابن عم أو ابن خال، صديق، و زميل في فريق كرة القدم.
إذا تمت إدانة هؤلاء الأطفال، فهذه القضية سوف تكون سابقة خطيرة للغاية في نظام المحاكم العسكرية الاسرائيلية، حيث سيتعرض أي طفل فلسطيني يتهم برشق الحجارة لعقوبة بالسجن لعدة سنوات (متوسط الحكم حالياً هو 3-6 أشهر).
تعود هذه القضية بنا أدراج الذاكرة إلى الإساءة التي تعرض لها الأطفال والشباب الايرلندي على يد شرطة المستوطنين.

15-17 March 2014 — One year ago today five teenagers from the village of Hares in Palestine lost their freedom. It is not only their tragedy – children in prison are a tragedy of our humanity.

Let’s all work together to make sure they can hug their mothers again soon.

11 March 2014 — PRESS RELEASE

This week marks the one year anniversary of the kidnapping and imprisonment of the Hares Boys.

It is not a cause to celebrate. Five young lives put on hold by an occupation regime that has no respect for human life; hundreds of lives affected by the incarceration of a son, a brother, a cousin, a friend, a football team mate. Millions of hearts bleeding.

We kindly ask you to publish the following press release on your website/zine/blog, share it widely with your social circles, forward it to your MP, embassy or consulate in Jerusalem. We have copies in English , Spanish, German, and Portuguese – thanks to the wonderful volunteers who made it happen!

Key facts to focus on:

  • On 15-17 March 2014 the Hares Boys will have spent exactly one year in an Israeli adult prison despite a total lack of evidence against them or indeed of a crime having been committed.
  • If convicted, this case could set an extremely dangerous precedent in the Israeli military court system, whereby any Palestinian child accused of throwing stones could be sentenced to long years in prison (currently the average sentence is 3-6 months).

10 March 2014 — Um Fadi, mother of Ali Shamlawi, speaks on Italian radio RADIO DIRITTOZERO:


DirittoZero Profili – I 5 Ragazzi di Hares by Radio Dirittozero on Mixcloud


9 March 2014 — March 2014 dates of court appearances:

Tamer: 5 March
Mohammed S.: 9 March
Mohammed K.: 10 March
Ali: 13 March
Ammar: 19 March

26 February 2014 — Ali Shamlawi next appears at Salem military court on 13 March 2014. That’s just 4 days short of one year that he will have spent in prison on trumped-up charges. If you are in Palestine, please consider attending his hearing – seeing internationals there the court might behave better towards the children and their families. Thank you.

12 February 2014 — The third Question about the Hares Boys raised in the British Parliament:

QUESTION: Lord Hylton to ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will make representations to the government of Israel for the early release and trial of the following individuals from the village of Hares in the West Bank who have been in custody since March 2013: (1) Ali Shamlawi, (2) Mohamed Kleit, (3) Mohamed Mehdi Suleiman, (4) Tamer Souf, and (5) Ammar Souf.   HL5106

ANSWER: The Senior Minister of State, Department for Communities and Local Government & Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Warsi) (Con): Officials from our Embassy in Tel Aviv met with the Israeli Defence Force and the Israeli Ministry of Justice on 27 January to raise our concerns over the cases of the five boys from Hares village currently in Israeli detention.

From the above we know that British embassy staff had a meeting with the Israeli army and the Israeli Ministry of Justice a couple of weeks ago, and that British diplomatic representatives asked about the Hares Boys. What we do not know is the answer they received from the Israelis, if any. If you are in Britain, please write to your MP asking them to follow-up on this. Questions are raised to be answered. Thank you.

12 February 2014 — Message from Mehdi Suleiman, father of Mohammed:

“Greetings to all free people around the world. I am the father of the child prisoner Mohammed Mehdi Suleiman, I ask that you all support our Palestinian captives against the injustice of the Zionist occupation against our prisoners in the courts. And I ask lawyers from all over the world to support my son and the other kids.

I would like to inform you that my son’s next court hearing is on 9th March 2014.

I have not seen my son or heard his voice.. I am suffering a great pain.. Where is the UN? Who can stop such injustice? My son and the other kids have been tortured and are still under torture – both psychological and physical.

Mehdi Suleiman”


Video by Defense for Children International-Palestine and Palestina Solidariteit:

23 January 2014 — Ammar Souf is scheduled to appear at the Salem military court on 17 February 2014. It will then be 11 months since he and the other boys from Hares village were arrested. Eleven months of a child’s life stolen. Such is the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

21 January 2014 — A huge thanks to all those who contributed to the crowdfunding project!! We have raised 3,062 euro to date which the five families will share equally. The money will help them bear the financial burden associated with having their young sons imprisoned.

Thanks for all your support so far and let’s continue fighting for the boys’ freedom.

Below are messages from the Hares Boys families:

Dear friends,
Really I don’t know what to say, words fail to express my feelings, I do not look at your support in terms of material, but I look at your humanity, feelings, and your love of justice that led you to help us in our problem.
It was a great idea.
This will help a lot.
I’ll never forget your support and your efforts.
many thanks to you all. Thanks to everyone who joined the fundraising campaign
Ali Shamlawi’s mother
Dear friends,
Thank you for the help we really need it.
Mohammad Kleib’s family
I thank all those who contributed to the campaign and offered the money.
Mohammed Suleiman’s mother
Thank you very much to all of you, we will never forget your help!
Ammar Souf’s family
Thank you so much, we were pleased with your help for our children, we will always remember your help!
Tamer Souf’s family

16 January 2014 — The judge prolonged Ali’s incarceration before trial once again. Ali was due to appear in court today but the “hearing” has been postponed until 13 February. It will then be 11 months since the night the five teenagers were deprived of their freedom. We need to keep up international pressure – please email your MP and your embassy and let them know you demand justice for the Hares Boys, justice for all Palestinian children in Israeli jails!

16 January 2014 — Message from Ali Shamlawi’s mother who visited the boys in prison this week:

“I saw Ali and the other boys. and we passed your messages to them, and they were very happy that there are supporters to them, that you didn’t forget them. And they said that they will never ever forget your support and your efforts. And they hope you will still fight for their freedom. Because they know that you love peace and justice. Also, they know that you are collecting money for their daily expenses in the prison. They send their regards to all their supporters in all the world and thank you very much.”

Thank you Ali, Muhammad S., Muhammad K., Tamer, and Ammar. Our warmest greetings to you. May you soon have your freedom.

13 January 2013 — MESSAGES OF SUPPORT

In a few days, the Hares Boys will have been in prison for 10 months. It is important for them to know that they are not forgotten, that there are people out there fighting for their freedom.

The boys’ families are due to visit them within the next couple of weeks. If you can take a little bit of your time to send a message of support, please send them in and we will forward them. Thank you.

haresboys [at] gmail.com // via facebook // twitter @haresboys

9 January 2014 — KNOW YOUR RIGHTS

Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-Palestine) and Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights have launched a campaign “Know Your Rights”, aimed at empowering and educating children and youth about their legal rights when detained in the Israeli military detention system.

Around 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12, are arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military detention system each year. Israeli military courts, to which Palestinian children are subjected, lack basic and fundamental fair trial guarantees.

More information here: Know Your Rights Joint Public Statement.

5 January 2014 — The Hares Boys next appear at Israel’s Salem court:

Mohammed Suleiman 12 January
Ali Shamlawi 16 January
Ammar Souf 22 January
Mohammed Kleib 28 January
Tamer Souf – not known

9 December 2013 — The brilliant political cartoonist Carlos Latuff has created this image for the Hares Boys campaign. Many thanks to Carlos! Please feel free to use it on posters / flyers / other campaign material, and share it on social media. You can find more of Carlos’ work here.

Hares Boys young Palestinian prisoners

3 December 2013 — The Hares Boys next appear at Salem military court on:

Mohammed Kleib 10 December
Ammar Souf 11 December
Mohammed Suleiman 15 December
Ali Shamlawi 19 December

Dates for Tamer Souf have not yet been confirmed.

15 November 2013 — A message from Um Fadi, the mother of Ali Shamlawi:

“Today [6 Nov] was the day to visit my son Ali in prison, as it was for Ammar’s and Mohammed Suleiman’s families. Tamer Souf had a court hearing.

The visit did not happen. After suffering a crossing through Qalqiliya to ’48 [Palestine before UN partition; currently Israel] where the Megiddo prison is, and after riding the bus and waiting to get to the prison we were told that the visit had been cancelled because of the death of Palestinian prisoner Hassan al-Turabi in the prison. Tamer’s court hearing was postponed to 12 November.

I suffered a lot because of the cancellation of the visit, but the most painful is my fear for my son and his fate in the prison.

I do not know if [Ali’s] court hearing will happen tomorrow or not. The Israeli occupation prevented us yesterday from visiting our children in Megiddo prison and delivering the winter clothing and blankets for them because of the tense situation that prevailed in Israeli prisons after the death of Palestinian prisoner Hassan al-Turabi.

I suffered a lot because I had been waiting desperately to see my son, but the most painful was my fear for my son and his fate in prison because the army stormed the prison and there were about 20 wounded prisoners.”

7 November 2013 — A crowd-funding project to help the Hares Boys families lessen the financial burden of having their children incarcerated by the racist regime is now launched! Please donate generously and spread the word!


Thank you.

7 November 2013 — Ali Shamlawi’s next court hearing has been postponed to 19 December. By that time the Hares Boys will have spent 10 months of their young lives in prison for the sole reason of being Palestinian.

Take action for Justice for the Hares Boys today.

25 October 2013 — Thanks to your concern and pressure, the British government are aware of the Hares Boys case. Two questions related to the case have been raised in the British Parliament so far:

14 October Andy Slaughter MP asked Hugh Robertson, Britain’s Minister for International Affairs:

Q: Mr Slaughter: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reports he has received on the case of the five schoolboys from the village of Hares in Palestine who were arrested by the Israeli authorities in March 2013. [169867]

A: Hugh Robertson: Officials from our consulate general in Jerusalem and the embassy in Tel Aviv are following this case closely.

23 October Baroness Tonge asked Baroness Warsi, Senior Minister of State, Department for Communities and Local Government & Foreign and Commonwealth Office:

Q: Baroness Tonge: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what discussions they have had with the government of Israel concerning the arrest, alleged torture of, and murder charges against, five boys from Hares village.[HL2464]

A: Baroness Warsi (Con): Officials from our Consulate General in Jerusalem and our Embassy in Tel Aviv are following this case closely. They last raised the case with the Israeli Ministry of Justice on 17 September. We also continue to have regular discussions with the Israeli authorities on the broader question of the treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli military detention.

If you’re in Britain, please write to your MP asking them to demand answers about the ill-treatment of the Hares Boys in Israeli prison and military court. It is up to us to fight for justice.

14 October 2013 — New court hearing dates for the Hares Boys:

Tamer Souf: 5 November
Ali Shamlawi: 7 November
Ammar Souf: 13 November
Mohammed Suleiman: 15 December
Mohammed Kleib: TBC

Please send a letter to your embassy in Tel Aviv asking them to attend the hearings. They have been closed to the public ever since the boys were put in prison back in March 2013. International presence at the Israeli military court can and does make a difference to the way the boys and their families are treated.

Thank you.

21 September 2013Global solidarity events with the Hares Boys! We hope to see you there! Please spread the word.

09.21 Perpignan, France [2pm Place François Arago, organised by Collectif paix et justice en Palestine]

09.27 London, UK [5-7pm G4S HQ, Southside Building, 105 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QT, organised by Innovative Minds & Islamic Human Rights Commission]

09.27 Córdoba, Argentina [2pm Cordoba Cabildo, Calle Independencia at Plaza San Martin, organised by Organización de Unión Planetaria (O.U.P) Argentina]

09.30 Montevideo, Uruguay [6-8pm Embajada de Israel en Uruguay Bulevar Artigas 1585, organised by Comité Palestina Libre & FB community “I am Palestinian I am not a terrorist”]

Chile TBC

Live tweets and other updates: follow the hashtag #FreeHaresBoys

13 September 2013 — The Hares Boys have now been imprisoned in Israeli military jails for half a year. That’s six months in prison being constantly harassed and not knowing what is to come. The boys are 16 years old. Their next court hearings are:

Tamer Souf 1 October
Ali Shamlawi 3 October
Mohammed Suleiman 14 October

Court dates for Ammar Souf and Mohammed Kleib TBC.

What you can do: Write a letter/email to your embassy in Tel Aviv asking them to attend the hearings. It’s easy and it can make a difference to the way the boys are treated in court.

Why it’s important that internationals take action: Given their discriminatory attitudes and practices, the Israeli military courts might actually change their behaviour when international observers, be it diplomatic representatives, journalists, or civilians with foreign passports, are present. Putting pressure on the military courts to obey the principles of justice and showing them that the world is watching is extremely important.

29 August 2013Ali Shamlawi‘s next court hearing has been postponed until 3 October 2013.

His mother Um Fadi send the following message:

Ali sends his regards to all supporters and who are in solidarity with him in the world. He knows that there is injustice in this life, but he also knows that there is justice, and there are good people who love peace and justice.

He longs to see his brothers and his only sister, who he has not seen since he was arrested in March where they are barred from visiting him because Israel didn’t give them permits to visit him in prison.

When I saw Ali, he was sad because the new school year has begun, and he cried when he asked me ‘Has the new academic year begun at school?’ He was in the 11th grade. He longs to see his friends and his books and his seat at school. He misses the football team the Dabkeh team, of which he is a member. He feels bored.

He appeals to his supporters to stay with him until he comes out of this nightmare and return to his studies, his family and his friends. He asks you to continue to provide support and assistance.

He said he is innocent of all the charges that he faces. He is a child, no older than 16 years, and he didn’t like to hurt anyone – he is afraid to kill an insect, how could he try to kill a human?

Whenever I see him, he doesn’t speak as much as cry!

Ali now spends his time in the prison. He is lonely, crying, doesn’t see the sun and the air, doesn’t play like the world’s other children, doesn’t live his childhood as it should be.

Who could believe that a 16 year old child, is facing this agony and pain!

6 August 2013 — Next court dates:

Mohammed Suleiman25 August 2013
Tamer Souf27 August 2013
Ali Shamlawi29 August 2013
Ammar Souf – TBC
Mohammed Kleib – TBC

When you send a letter to your embassy in Tel Aviv asking them to attend a court hearing for one (or all) of the boys, please insert their name and the court date. Many thanks for those who already took action!

31 July 2013 — The petition demanding Freedom for the Hares Boys is now ready! Please sign and ask all your friends, family, and acquaintances to sign!

28 July 2013 — Ali Shamlawi’s court hearing that was supposed to take place on 25 July has been postponed until further notice. Thanks to everyone who tried to attend it and to those who’ve been sending letters to their embassies. We need to step up pressure on the Israeli military court with the latter, for we have a few weeks until the next court hearings of Muhammad S., Muhammad K., Ammar S., and Tamer S. Updates on exact dates will follow as soon as we hear from the families.

17 July 2013 — ACTION!

London, UK
Demand Justice for the Hares Boys – Protest G4S complicity in their torture!
Monday 22 July
5 pm
G4S Headquarters (105 Victoria St, SW1E 6QT)

The British-Danish security company G4S serves both the Al-Jalame and Megiddo prisons in which the boys have been tortured and are still being kept. Join the protest in London to tell G4S that that is not OK. Demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the children and to hold G4S accountable for its complicity in Israel’s crimes, particularly in the torture of children. Organised by the Palestinian Prisoners Campaign.

New York City, US
Benefit Show! Prisoner Solidarity: Free the Hares Boys
Monday 22 July
6 pm till late
Missive ardour 698 flushing

A night of live music to raise money for the Hares Boys’ legal fund. Come enjoy and contribute to make a difference!

Ali‘s next court hearing – 25 July 2013

Mohammed Kleib, Mohammed Suleiman, Tamer Souf, and Ammar Souf have their next court hearings at the end of August.

In the last months, all the court hearings for the Hares Boys have been closed to the public. Put pressure on your country’s embassy in Tel Aviv and ask them to attend the hearing. International presence has proven to make a noticeable difference in the behaviour of the military court. We’ve prepared letters/emails to embassies that you are welcome to use, but also please feel free to write your own one. Alternatively, give your embassy a call; or, if they insist they cannot attend the hearing physically, ask them to express concern about the Hares Boys to relevant Israeli institutions.

Every voice counts.

In this video, Ali’s parents Um Fadi and Abu Fadi describe how their son has been tortured in prison: